Every Individual Matters. Every Individual Has A Role To Play

My name is Daniel Maembe. I am one of the co-founders of Rau Eco and Cultural Tourism working as a Community Conservation and Public Relations Manager. Passionate about environmental conservation, for years I have watched how people continue to cut down trees for different uses and the negative consequences are so visible in my hometown Moshi, Tanzania.  We have witnessed a significant change in the region’s climatical patterns that have contributed to the reduction of ice cover at Mount Kilimanjaro and the reduction of forest acreage at the Rau Forest Reserve. I am happy to be selected to be among the Top 100 conservation leaders in Africa as this will continue to build my skills and knowledge in best conservation practices while learning from others that continue to generate practical solutions.

I am currently engaging both local people and tourists who visit us through our campaign ‘One Trip – One Tree’ to organize events that involve the community and collaborate with government agencies and other stakeholders here in Moshi, Kilimanjaro Tanzania. We have been carrying out these sessions once a month and we can clearly see the positive impact this has had on our environment.

We have reached more than 1000 students, 1000 local community members and 700 tourists in our environmental education awareness programs. Also, we have planted more than 100,000 trees including the endangered species of Oxstigma Msoo (IUCN Red List Threatened species, 1998).

I plan to continue educating and inspiring the community about the importance of keeping our environment healthy through our campaign ‘One Trip – One Tree’, which aims to plant 1 million trees before 2030. I  also have the goal to partner with other innovative projects from other conservation leaders across the continent to scale up the engagement and reach of the program.

Let’s Connect

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My words to others that are looking to be in conservation are simple; “Let us keep our passion for conservation, partner, and support each other we will achieve great work.”


Nous Sommes La Dernière Génération À Pouvoir Changer Le Cours De L’histoire, Personne Ne Le Fera À Notre Place


“We Need Each Other To Win The Climate Change War”